The Classroom Education Plan® (CEP) is a revolutionary platform designed to guide every teacher to the best instructional strategies for his/her students, track the impact of that strategy on each student’s engagement and growth, and enable administrators and teachers to have real-time views into teachers’ and students’ progress. The CEP is based on extensive research into peer-reviewed studies and is based on real-time teacher and -student voice on both academic and non-academic factors. It delivers classroom-ready teaching strategies that are ingrained with social-emotional learning, cultural responsiveness, and differentiation.
The CEP uses AI to analyze the data and provide immediate recommendations to each teacher regarding the best strategies for meeting the needs of each classroom. It facilitates easy-to-use quick progress monitoring that provides teachers and administrators broad and focused views on classrooms, grades, schools, and districts. The result: teachers learn what matters to and for their students, and have the tools to achieve meaningful engagement and growth. Teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators have the data they need to see what they are doing to drive student achievement and the success they are having.

Teacher and Student Input
Teacher input: Surveys capture both teacher observations in the classroom of behavior, engagement, social-emotional and learning skills as well as information from benchmark data. The result: teachers get a much broader picture of the students in their classroom. Student input: The CEP uses surveys to capture student input to inform instruction. When student voice is amplified, sense of belonging, teacher and student relationships, peer relationships and academics are improved.

Classroom Analysis and Student Voice
The CEP gives immediate feedback. Once teacher and student survey input is collected, the teacher sees the top 10 strengths and needs in the classroom. They can also look at graphs to see the degree of difference between academic skills and non-academic skills. By looking at student voice,teachers can see where students are really feeling good about the class, themselves, peer relationships, and their relationship with their teacher. Teachers can also see areas that are more troublesome. Seeing exactly what students say increases teachers noticing what students might be experiencing, reflecting on that and then results in adaptation in the classroom almost immediately.

Machine Learning for Real-time Strategy Matching
One which uses both teacher and student input. An algorithm custom ranks the most impactful strategy for strategies for each classroom taking into account all of the strengths and needs. Unique to the CEP, our cutting-edge technology uses machine learning to predict the most effective instructional strategies to match the most pressing needs in each classroom. Choose and implement high impact strategies.

Track Impact of Each Strategy at Class, Grade, School, District Level
Every teacher has their own classroom education plan that shows which classroom needs they chose to address. Which strategy they chose to address that need and the rate of change as the strategy is implemented. Administrators can see this impact at the classroom, grade, school and district levels to find bright spots for district or school initiatives. By having data on academic and non academic indicators at the school and district level. Which strengths and needs. Updating in real time. Educators can have their finger on the pulse too. Adapt and change as needed throughout the school year.

Monitor Progress in Only 2-3 Minutes per Week
While implementing the strategy, Progress Monitoring happens once a week for two to three minutes. This allows the CEP to track impact.

Choose and Implement High-impact Strategies
Research is transformed into high rigor classroom ready strategies that are integrated with culturally sustaining pedagogy differentiation and social emotional learning so they work for the whole class. Experienced and novice teachers so that they are appropriate for the whole class. They are then approved by teachers so they align with any curriculum and standards.